martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Uses of plants, growing plants and wild plants

 What do we use plants for?

Plants are an essential part of our diet. We eat a lot of plants and many of the animals we eat are herbivores. We feed them plants.

We get materials from plants. We get wood and paper from trees. We make fabric from cotton plants. We use resin from trees to make glue. We use some plants for medicines.

Plants also benefit the environment. They release oxygen during photosynthesis. All living organisms need oxygen to survive. Plants form natural environments for wildlife.

How do we cultivate plants?

Cultivating plants for food is called agriculture.

• Plants like wheat are grown in fields.

• Fruit trees are grown in orchards .

Growing trees for wood is called forestry.


Nature reserves or wild areas are uncultivated. We collect and use some wild plants from these areas.
Wild trees, especially in tropical forests, are sometimes cut down for wood. It is dangerous to cut down too many wild trees because it destroys the natural environment.



How plants reproduce

 How do plants use seeds to reproduce?

Most plants have flowers. The flower contains the parts for reproduction and produces seeds.

The pistil contains ovules that become seeds.

The stamens produce tiny grains of yellow pollen.

The group of all the petals is called the corolla.

Sepals are the leaves at the base of the flower. The group of sepals is called the calyx. The calyx protects the ovule inside the pistil.

How do plants without seeds reproduce?

Plants with flowers produce seeds. Some plants, such as ferns and moss, don’t use seeds for reproduction. These plants often grow on rocks or directly from the ground.



These plants produce small spores. Spores produce roots and a new plant grows.