miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016


Nebulae are clouds made up of dust and different types of gases that form stars. Stars are made inside a nebula.

Stars are huge spheres of very hot, glowing gas. Stars produce their own light and energy. The Sun is a star.

Galaxies are groups of millions of stars and nebulae.

Satellites are objects that move around larger objects. The Moon is a satellite.

Comets are big balls of ice, mud and rock. They look like they have tails.

Asteroids are large rocks travelling in space. They revolve around stars and planets.

Meteorites are asteroids that crash into planets or stars.

Planets orbit stars. They can be made of rock or gas and are large spherical bodies. The Earth is a planet. A planet does not emit its own light, but reflects the Sun’s light.

Dwarf planets are smaller than planets.

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