martes, 1 de junio de 2021


 What is matter?

Matter is anything that has mass and volume. All living organisms and non-living things are made of matter, including the air you breathe, the stars and you. Some things, such as heat and sound, aren’t made of matter. These are forms of energy and they don’t have mass or volume. 

What are mass and volume?

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. It can be measured in grams and kilograms using scales. Volume is the amount of space an object occupies. It can be measured in litres.



What are pure substances and mixtures?

A pure substance only contains one type of matter. Oxygen, gold and salt are examples of pure substances. A mixture is made up of different types of substances. The air we breathe is a mixture of gases and includes oxygen. 


 Salt water is a mixture of water and salt. Sometimes we can see the different components in a mixture, for example water and sand. Sometimes we can’t, for example water and salt.





2 comentarios:

  1. profeeeeeeeeeeee soi ines la de el antiguo cole cip rafael alberti

    1. ¡INÉS! ¡QUÉ ALEGRÍA! ¡QUÉ BUENOS MOMENTOS VIVIMOS EL CURSO PASADO! Me alegra mucho saber de ti ¿Cómo te va? Seguro que muy bien. Sigue tu corazón, toma el camino que crees que es correcto y... ¡SUPERA TUS LÍMITES! Conmigo lo has hecho cada día. Nunca has dejado de sorprenderme para bien. No olvides que tu corazón arde con la llama más brillante y que tienes grandes cosas que ofrecer al mundo, así que.. ¡PERSIGUE tus SUEÑOS! Nada me haría más feliz que ver como los alcanzas. Un pequeabrazo. :D


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