martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

Talking about time

How do we talk about time passing?

We can talk about time using words like past, present and future. We can also use the words yesterday, today and tomorrow.

What is history? 

History is the study of the past. This includes: 

• People 

Carl Sagan



• Places


Seville, 1519

Seville, 1519

• Events

 Historians examine evidence from the past and interpret it. They try to understand and explain the changes in history. 

How do we talk about the past?

In order to talk about the past, we need to divide it into periods of time. 
• One year ago means one year in the past. 
• One decade ago means ten years in the past. 
• One century ago means a hundred years in the past.
 • One millennium ago means a thousand years in the past. 

What is a timeline?

A timeline is a useful way to organise the past. It shows the sequence of events. Timelines can represent different lengths of time.

Cosmic calendar by Carl Sagan. cada mes representarían 1250 millones de años. Cada día equivale a 40 millones de años y cada segundo, unos 500 años de nuestra historia. Apenas un parpadeo en la obra del tiempo cósmico.


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