domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021

Transport and trade

 How are the different types of transport used?

We use different types of vehicles to transport people, animals and products. 

• Freight vehicles transport manufactured products and animals. 

 • Passenger vehicles transport people. Some vehicles are for individual use or for a few people, like cars or taxis. 

Other vehicles are for many people, like trains and buses. Most collective vehicles are for public transport.

What is trade?

Trade is buying or selling products. The people who buy are the consumers. The people who sell are the suppliers. Domestic trade happens in your own country. International trade is trade with other countries. Imports are the products or raw materials we buy from other countries. Products and raw materials we sell to other countries are called exports.

What are outlets?

Products and raw materials are sold in different outlets. 

 • Small shops often specialize in only one product. 

 • Markets have many different stalls selling a variety of products, often food. they can be indoors or on a street. 

• Shopping centres have many shops. 

 • Warehouses are large spaces where suppliers buy products for their shops. Many outlets also sell products online. 




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