miércoles, 7 de abril de 2021

Autonomous communities

An autonomous community is an area made up of one or several provinces that are grouped together for geographical, linguistic and historical reasons. There are seventeen autonomous communities in Spain, as well as two autonomous cities: Ceuta and Melilla.

All autonomous communities have…

• a capital city. Normally it is the largest capital of one of the provinces.

• a Government of the autonomous community with government institutions.

• a Statute of Autonomy. This is a very important law.

What does the autonomous government do?

The Government of every autonomous community has three branches:

• The Autonomous Parliament represents the residents of the autonomous community. Residents who are at least 18 years old can vote. They elect members of the parliament. The parliament passes laws and approves the budget. It also chooses the president of the Government.

• The Government of the autonomous community is made up of councillors and a president. The president chooses the councillors. The Government is in charge of health, education, transport and other services within the autonomous community.

• The High Court of Justice is responsible for judging and ruling over legal disputes.




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