viernes, 9 de abril de 2021

The autonomous community of Andalucía

The autonomous community of Andalucía has eight provinces. Each province has the same name as the capital city of the province. Sevilla is the capital city of the autonomous community of Andalucía. The Autonomous Parliament and the Government Council are in Sevilla.

What is the Statute of Autonomy?

The founding law in Andalucía is the Statute of Autonomy.
It establishes ...
• the geographical areas of the provinces and municipalities in Andalucía.

• the capital.

• the rights and responsibilities of the citizens.

• government institutions.

• the 28th of February as a holiday to celebrate Andalucía.

• symbols of the autonomous community.

What are the government institutions?

The Autonomous Parliament and government of the autonomous community of Andalucía are in the capital city: Sevilla.

• The members of the Autonomous Parliament pass new laws and approve budgets. Spanish citizens over the age of 18 who live in Andalucía vote for candidates who become members of Parliament. The members of Parliament choose the president of the Government.

• The president of the autonomous community of Andalucía is in charge of the Government Council. The president chooses the councillors and gives each one responsibility for an area, such as finances, health, transport or education.

ANDALUCÍA: Jaén, Córdoba, Seville (capital), Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almería.











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