jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021

Inland Europe

 What is the topography of inland Europe like?

Inland Europe is made up of flat, central plains surrounded by massifs, plateaus (mainly in the east), and mountain ranges to the north and south. 

The Great European Plain runs from France to Russia, across central and eastern Europe, and has an average altitude of 200 metres. It is divided into: 

• the North European Plain. 

• the East European Plain. In the north and centre of Europe are low, rounded mountains called massifs. 

The best examples of massifs are:

 • the Massif Central and the Vosges in France.

 • the Black Forest in Germany. 

The highest mountain ranges in Europe are:

 • the Alps.

 • the Balkans. 

• the Carpathians.

 • the Caucasus. 

• the Pyrenees.


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