miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021


How do we find objects from the past?

Many physical sources are found underground . Bricks and stones show the remains of old buildings. Artefacts are objects people have used and left behind. Archaeologists look for historical evidence underground. They identify a site, place grid lines over the area and make a map.

They dig into the ground very carefully. Artefacts that are deeper in the ground are older than artefacts nearer to the surface. Often only fragments of artefacts are found.

What types of sources are there?

Primary sources are from the same date as the event studied. 

Secondary sources are made or written after the event.

How can we find out about our local history?

There is evidence of the past all around us. 

 • Local customs and traditions show historic ways of celebrating.

 • Street names often refer to famous events or historical figures. 

• Statues show historical figures or represent famous events. 

Fernando III

• There are historical buildings and monuments like churches, castles, bridges or old city walls. 

• There are museums with artefacts from the local area, and archives with written records.



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